New Year’s resolutions

Hello! Seiiti Arata. New Year’s resolutions! At the beginning of the month, gyms are full, at least for a couple of days. But you know that the whole crowd will be gone after a few days.

What about social media? Maybe on your Facebook or Instagram timeline all your friends are sharing photos of themselves, dripping sweat after exercising. There’s also that friend that just has to share those maps that show how many kilometres they ran while you were lying down on the sofa. And then there’s that cousin of yours who loves to share pictures of all the healthy food she’s been eating. Everyone’s celebrating how many kgs they have lost in a week… What about you? 

1. Do you have your New Year’s resolutions? 

I did some research and found different statistics claiming that depending on the country, 30 to 50% of the population has the habit of setting new year’s resolutions. What about the place you live in? Does that apply to you?

Please pause the video and write down one of these two options:

– Yes, I have new year’s resolutions for the upcoming year

– No, I don’t have new year’s resolutions for the upcoming year

That will give us an approximate idea of the percentage of our channel’s followers that does them.

If you want to, you’re free to share your new year’s resolution. It’s always interesting to search and be inspired and share with other people our dreams and aspirations. And here’s the first tip for you to write down:

2. For the new year’s resolution to work, you need total commitment.

Do you remember the reactive person’s profile? We talked about it during our series called Hello! Seiiti Arata, at

Reactive people live to complain about the objectives they’re unable to achieve. They say the problems are too big and that life is hard. The reactive person always has a huge list of excuses.

Victims of “excusitis” live inside an illusion: the illusion that you can reap benefits just by wishing for them. Desire by itself isn’t enough. To reap, you need to sow. And to sow properly you need total dedication. 

The problem is that most people never fully commit for enough time.

Being committed is different than being interested in or wishing that something will happen. Wanting something, by itself, isn’t enough.

True commitment is to leave aside other commitments that would consume our time and our vitality. We need total focus for a true commitment with our new year’s resolution.

Better New Year class Arata Academy

3. Create the adequate environment for your new year’s resolution

The problem that we will face when searching for our goals for the new year is that to achieve something of value it’s necessary to have patience, discipline, total dedication and mainly to work hard and in an intelligent way.

I mean, we need to create the adequate environment to make things work.

If you want to avoid disappointing yourself and drop your new year’s resolution, then you need to prepare yourself right now for the inevitable frustration. Mentally prepare yourself for the moments of hardship, frustration, unpleasant surprises and all kinds of hindrances that will invariably be a part of your journey. 

Another thing that you will need is available time to consistently dedicate yourself to the search for your new year’s goal. If you don’t reserve enough blocks of time in your calendar, it’s probable that you’ll end up procrastinating. It’s necessary to learn how to say no to the things that aren’t your priority. If this is your current problem, then we have a specific course named How to Say No that you can visit through this link:

When you’re able to say no, you organize your priorities better and eliminate the commitments that are pushing your life back. And thus you have the ability to dedicate yourself to your new year’s resolution.

4. How to be consistent with your new year’s resolutions?

If every day you’re struggling to move forward, your chances for progress are limited. To move forward, it’s important that you find some way of deriving pleasure from what you do.

I will tell you a story that has recently happened to me. I had just recorded a bunch of new videos and I hadn’t’ transferred them to my backup system yet. Unfortunately, I ended up losing all my new videos.

That was the kind of unpleasant surprise that could perhaps demotivate me. Meanwhile, since I like what I do, it wasn’t hard to surpass this frustration and get ready to record all the videos again.

In case you feel like you’re sacrificing yourself, struggling to do something you deem unpleasant, something’s wrong. If you really wished to be somewhere else doing something else, it’s very likely that you give up the moment an unexpected problem arises.

5. If it’s hard to go on, then you can make it even harder to stop.

Maybe your new year’s resolution is something that represents an important value. 

Maybe you have tried it in the past, though without success. 

What happens a lot of times is that we use our willpower at the beginning of the year and then, unfortunately, can’t follow through.

If this is your case, when you’re starting your activity, you can create conditions that will make it more painful to stop doing it.

That’s burning the bridge. That is, after you walk across to the other side, you eliminate the possibility to go back.

Better New Year class Arata Academy

When you decide to do new year’s resolutions, it’s necessary to stand out from the crowd. Most people will start something and in a few days will give up instead of reaping the result they desired.

One of the many elements that contribute to the success of your new year’s resolutions is to increase the level of commitment. With more commitment, you’re more focus, you will know how to say no to distractions and you will also eliminate the possibility of changing your mind. Above all else, it’s important that you implement intelligent strategies that take into account your personality, your context and the priorities that are valuable for you. That’s what we do with our Better New Year course. Visit