How to achieve your new years’ resolutions

Hello! Seiiti Arata. Here on our channel we have some different videos about New Years’ resolutions, after all it’s a time that has important symbology that can help you finally put your plans into practice. Today I have some practical tips for you, that up until now still hasn’t correctly put together your New Years Resolution. So grab your notebook and pen to make notes, as this video will be a step-by-step video, very practical.

1. First reflect on the past

This is the most difficult stage of all, as it requires you to find a moment of silence to reflect on your life. It’s a process of introspection. It’s a moment of self knowledge. This is the first stage that’s going to lead to the pathway that you’ll travel down through the New Year.

A good choice will lead you to a good path and a lesser quality choice can lead you in an undesirable direction. Choose with care.

For the process of reflection, we’ll do as Janus did who, in Roman Mythology, had two faces. One face looking towards the future, and the other face looking towards the past. The name of the month of January is an homage to Janus and you can always make the most of the month of January as a moment of reflection of the past and future. But you do not need to rely on January, you can do any time you really want.

Let’s begin by looking towards the past. Some tips to help you: Think about how the year up until now has been for you. What’s been missing in your life up until now? What knowledge did you feel you missed? Which aspects brought you more gratitude? Which skills did you notice that you missed? What lessons have you had up until today?

2. Look forward

Now ask yourself about which path it is that you want to go down. What is most important to you? What do you value? What would you like to see happening more? What would you like to see happening less frequently? What kind of person do you wish to turn into? What’s your main objective in life? Which people do you admire? How can you contribute to the people around you in a positive manner? What brings you happiness? What inspires you?

Better New Year class Arata Academy

3. Realize what’s missing or what needs to be changed

Now that you have a good perspective on how the past has been until now and the new years’ resolution that you’d like to implement, create a general plan. Your general plan should have replies to questions, like, for example:

What new habits do I need to consistently implement? What habits do I need to abandon or modify? Which people could end up sabotaging my plans? Which skills do I need to develop? What limiting beliefs have impaired my progress? What kind of abuse will I no longer tolerate?

4. The donkey that didn’t know how to choose

Now I’m going to tell you a story that you may already know, and even if so it’s worth hearing.

There was once a donkey who was starving and extremely thirsty. He travelled for days in the desert with nothing to eat or drink. Finally, due to a large stroke of luck, he came across a bucket of fresh water and, on the other side, a pile of delicious grass to eat. And he didn’t know how to make the choice. If he were to eat, he might get thirsty. If he were to drink, he’d still be hungry. And his head turned from left to right to left to right. He couldn’t choose between the grass or the water. Time continued to pass, and he died of hunger and thirst.

What the donkey didn’t notice was the dimension of time. He could perfectly easily have either eaten or drank a little, and, in sequence, satiated the other desire.

In our life, we act out a very similar behaviour. We think that it’s necessary to chase after multiple objectives at the same time.

If, on one hand, it’s commendable for us to have large aspirations, don’t let this end up paralysing you. Live your life knowing that you have a long road ahead. Time is in your favour. You can choose a new years’ resolution today and, as you progress, will be able to, a few weeks from now or a few months from now or even a few years from now, prioritize other objectives too. 

Just don’t become paralysed. You need to act for thing to happen.

Time is extremely valuable as a teacher to us. Learn the lessons it has to offer in relation to your past experiences.

Better New Year class Arata Academy

Allow the future to bring you inspiration to develop the view of where you want to get to. Keep calm knowing that you can make excellent choices ahead, providing that you implement actions that can be fruitful.

If you’re watching this video, I imagine that you value your intelligence and your ability for great achievements. For you, I have a special course that will cover in an extremely quick and practical way what you need to have to equip yourself to meet your goals and build this visualised future. It’s the course ‘New new year’ that you can register for now by visiting the link